Class News
Because no one has shown up to the early exam by 5:30, I will assume everyone is able to make it to the 7-9pm exam. Please contact me immediately at if this is not the case.
Reminder: The early exam is in ETC 2.136
Homework 5 and 7 now have answers to supplemental questions posted.
Practice Problems for Exam 2 have been uploaded. Please note that some of these problems had materials not covered in our lectures thus far. Additional synthesis questions will be posted later.
Dr. Willson's office hours will be cancelled today due to his flight plans. Sorry for the late notice :(
Please note homework 7 had a few typoes. A corrected version has been uploaded.
Paul will be cancelling his office hours for 2/20 and 2/27, as he will be conducting research out of state.
As mentioned in lecture today, please make sure to pick up your homeworks during the week after they're turned in; they are only kept for pickup for 1 week before potential disposal.
The homeworks should be at NHB by the Monday afternoon following the time they're due. For example, HW 2 is present in NHB from ~2pm on Feb-11 to ~2pm on Feb-18.
As mentioned in lecture today, please make sure to pick up your homeworks during the week after they're turned in; they are only kept for pickup for 1 week before potential disposal.
The homeworks should be at NHB by the Monday afternoon following the time they're due. For example, HW 2 is present in NHB from ~2pm on Feb-11 to ~2pm on Feb-18.
The answer keys for homeworks 1 and 2 have been posted.
Please make sure to complete the supplemental problems on your homework. These are among the problems that will be graded.
Please note that the Office Hours have been updated to include Josh in the rotation. The Syllabus has been uploaded with a syllabus supplemental file detailing the how to turn in/receive homework. Lecture 1 is now accessible.
If you have trouble accessing these files, please email Paul at
Welcome back students! Please check this page frequently for announcements, as we don't have a Canvas webpage.